Brown corundum is brown in appearance. It has the characteristics of high hardness, high toughness, sharp particles and low price. It is suitable for grinding metals with high tensile strength. It can generally be replaced by it in the absence of other abrasives. oil stone for polishing is widely used for rough grinding of ordinary steel, such as carbon steel, general alloy steel, malleable cast iron, hard bronze, etc. The secondary abrasives of brown corundum are commonly used as rice grinding wheel, resin cutting wheel, sand tile, abrasive cloth, abrasive paper, etc.
Length: 150mm
Other Raw Materials: White Fused Alumina (WA)/Microcrystalline Fused Alumina (MA)/Single Crystal Corundum (SA)/Black Corundum (BA)/Green Silicon Carbide (GC)/Chrome Corundum (PA)/Zircon Corundum (ZA)/Black Silicon Carbide (C)
Other non-ferrous metals
Stainless steel (INOX)
Hardened, heat-treated steels over 1,200 N/mm2 (over 38 HRC)
Surface work
Work on edges
Fine finishing
Fine grinding in multiple steps
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「INVITATION」KEYING ABRASIVES invites you to meet in 2024 China International Hardware Show
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Keying Abrasives in 2023 Zhengzhou International A&G EXPO
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